Royo / Sustainability

Our Commitment

We work in a business environment that is constantly changing, so, at Royo, we are committed to a sustainable business model that will lead us to a better competitive positioning and will allow us to identify and manage new risks and opportunities from a broader perspective.

For the Royo brand, the word sustainability is becoming more important. A sample of this is the Directory Plan that has been implemented to achieve the improvement objectives. As a brand, we are committed to three fundamental pillars: Environment, Social and Governance. Our vision is to leave a better world for the generations to come.


The environment, our legacy
for future generations

The environmental pillar includes the efficient management of natural resources in productive activity, allowing its preservation for future needs.

In this area, we highlight the efforts to digitize the production processes, which have increased both the efficiency of raw materials consumption as well as the optimization of working times and productivity, contributing in this manner to the reduction of the generated waste.

Aware of our impact on the environment, we are committed to continuous and systematic improvement in this area. By 2025, we intend not only to reduce our negative impact, but, as far as possible, to generate a positive effect on the environment, especially regarding GHG emissions.

The people, Royo’s talent

People are one of our greatest strengths. As employers, we distinguish ourselves by the high level of our staff satisfaction, we make it our business to know the work environment through annual surveys, as well as the emphasis on prevention of accidents and occupational risks.

In this area, at Royo we work on:

  • Talent attraction and retention
  • Health and Safety
  • Equality and diversity
  • Neighbouring communities
  • Innovation

Our approach until 2025 is based on continuing to minimize work risks and to create a well-being environment at work for the people who are part of Royo. In addition, we want to promote the well-being of workers through digitization and personal and professional development plans.

Governance, a continuous
improvement attitude

At Royo, we consider that a transparent and effective governance model is essential. Our governing bodies are committed to monitoring compliance with legislation, as well as following up on the complaints and reports we receive. We are committed to achieving our sustainable growth and performance goals and working to ensure that our partners and stakeholders fully trust us as a company.

On governance, we want to continue to regulate our business by obtaining certifications and formalizing our corporate values and the behaviours we consider appropriate through the development of specific codes and policies.

Actuation levers

  1. Within the social area, in Royo we work on continuous improvement to maintain a good working environment, achieving an overall satisfaction of 87.7% of being part of Royo.
  2. All our electricity comes from renewable sources.
  3. We design our products under strict eco-design criteria. This helps us to minimize their impact during the manufacturing and transportation processes, as well as during their useful life and subsequent recycling.
  4. We have improved our energy efficiency by 10%.
  5. More than 50% of our board comes from circular waste management.
  6. We have integrated sustainability management under the Kaizen methodology (continuous improvement). In Royo, sustainability has a transversal organizational approach, which requires the involvement of all departments.